Spruce up a Guest Room in Time for the Holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner, which means that it’s time to get your home ready for guests! Whether you’re hosting a few family members or a large group of friends and everyone is staying at your place, we have some tips on how to spruce up your guest room.

Here are our favorite ways to get your space in tip-top shape for all those special visitors coming over this season.

Give Your Guest Room a Deep Clean

Now that the holidays are quickly approaching, you’re probably going to have a lot of guests coming over. This means that it’s time for a deep clean in every single room!

Start by dusting all surfaces and furniture, then vacuum or sweep any floors. Make sure that you pay special attention to corners and hard-to-reach areas that could be hiding dust and pet hair.

Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

If your guest room hasn’t been painted in a while, it’s probably looking pretty drab by now. Give the walls a fresh coat of color to give your space a new look! You can choose from hundreds of paint colors to find the perfect shade for your home.

Upgrade Lighting

Lighting is an easy way to change the look and feel of a room. Swap out your overhead lights for bright, sleek lamps or hanging pendants to give your space a completely new feel! Not only will this make the room brighter, but it’ll provide better lighting for reading and other tasks throughout the day.

Store Clutter Away

It’s important to be a good host and provide a comfortable space for your guests to feel at home! If the guest room is already cluttered with items such as clothes and reading materials, try boxing up any extra things in storage bins to keep your space looking tidy.

Add Cozy Details

Now that your room is clean and organized, it’s time to add some cozy touches! From plush pillows and blankets to soft throw rugs and fuzzy slippers, be sure to include those special hotel luxury items so your guests can feel as comfortable as possible.

For an extra holiday pop, you can also decorate with holiday-themed throw pillows, blankets, or an evergreen wreath on the door. These small elements can transform the room into the perfect winter getaway.

Add Comfortable Seating

No one likes to spend all their time in bed, even when they’re on vacation! Make sure that you have comfortable seating available in your guest room so your guests can relax and unwind after a long day.

Create a Well-Stocked Guest Room Bar

While you’re prepping the guest room, why not create a well-stocked bar for your guests? Buy a small fridge and store any extra snacks or drinks that will help your guests feel extra welcome. Don’t forget some glasses for the nighttime glass of wine!

This is a great time to freshen up your space before all those special guests start showing up! Whether you’re hosting family members or friends, follow these tips for making your guest room look as cozy and welcoming as possible.