Spring Cleaning Checklist: Deck Maintenance

The time has come when the idea of cleaning your home does not seem like such a bad idea. Spring cleaning has been a tradition for as long as we can remember, and it helps us keep up with what we have and what we actually need. From your personal belongings to your outdoor decor, you need to consider everything you own to get a great start on your cleaning routine. 


Having a deck makes for a great gathering space. People are not the only ones to gather here, though. You likely have furniture out there, maybe even a grilling area. Your deck can be used as a very functional and fun space in the warm months, so making sure you clean it up before then is important. A spring cleaning purge can be very helpful to make sure you have ample room on your deck.

Make sure you are looking at furniture, appliances, and decor. Think about what you have actually been using and enjoying in the last few months. This is an opportunity to change the look of your space as well as to free up more room outdoors. If you have been thinking about redecorating, this is a great first step to make room for what is new.

Just because you once liked something a year ago does not mean you still enjoy it as much. Maybe you have already gotten enough use out of these items, but this does not mean you need to be wasteful. Throw it away if it is broken, and donate it or sell it if you think someone else could use it.


After you have decluttered, the actual cleaning can begin. Since you will have more space to move around, it should be a lot easier to do a deep clean. You can use a pressure washer to get the floor clean and even put a new coat of stain on the wood to freshen it up. For the items you intend on keeping, make sure these are also clear of dust and dirt. Since they are outdoors, this can build up easily and quickly. Take a look at the fixtures such as the screws or other parts that hold your deck together. Make sure to keep them clean and replace any that are broken.


This is the fun part! You now have a chance to transform the style of your deck. You will mainly do this with your furniture choices and decor. If you need some inspiration, take a look at home decor magazines or even the spring section of your local hardware store. There are also many fun DIYs you can try out.

An Overview

  • Declutter: Get rid of what you no longer use or enjoy. You can donate it or sell it if it is in good condition!
  • Clean: Dust every surface, wash those outdoor cushions, and pressure wash the deck. This will keep it nice and clean before you add any additional decor and appliances.
  • Redesign: Get your inspiration and think about what your dream deck looks like. This is your chance to let your style shine through!