How to Use Patterns to Bring Creative Life to a Space

Solid colors are dependable and neutral—but they can also be quite boring. Staring at the same color over and over again in your interior painting can get old, particularly if you have to spend lots of time within your own four walls.

Patterns can help liven up a space and add a dash of creativity to your interiors. Many people add patterns to a room by throwing in a throw rug or patterned pillows. However, most forget that they can add patterns to their walls.

A patterned accent wall or even a pattern spread throughout an entire room can liven up your living space. For complex patterns, it is best to hire professional painting contractors so you know the job will be done right.

Choose Your Placement

Once you decide to add a pattern to your interior painting scheme, you need to choose the placement wisely. A pattern will draw a visitor’s eye toward it, so you should choose a part of your home that you want to highlight.

You can choose an accent wall that you want to draw attention toward for your pattern placement. Or, you can choose to highlight specific features, such as a unique alcove, a fireplace, or even the baseboards. Want to go bigger? Paint a pattern all over your walls.

The room where you decide to add patterns will also affect the final result. For example, you could add some whimsy to a child’s bedroom by adding patterns. Here, you can have some more fun than you would in more “grown-up” parts of the apartment. Choose brighter colors or more unique designs. You can even add a detailed mural to their walls!

Choose Your Pattern

Once you’ve decided on the placement of your patterned wall, you can choose the pattern that you want. You can choose geometric patterns such as diamonds or checkers. For a little whimsy, think about patterns from nature such as leaves, florals, or even bubbles.

The right pattern can even create an optical illusion. Stripes can make your room look larger, making that pattern a perfect choice for cramped spaces.

Choose Your Colors

Finally, you should pick out the color that your pattern will be painted in. If you go with a color that contrasts directly with the main color for your wall, it will create an intense effect, but it might also make your space look smaller and cramped. A color that’s within the same color family as your main paint, but a slightly different shade, creates a subtler but still noticeable effect.

If you’re worried about choosing the right color, consult a color wheel or ask your painting contractors for advice. They can use their professional eye for design to help you create your desired visual effect.

The time of boring monochrome walls is over. A small patterned alcove or an eye-catching design splashed across all of your walls is the latest way to show your creative flair in your interior design.