How Adding an Accent Wall Can Enhance Your Space

An accent wall can transform your space by adding a fun, creative twist to your room. Don’t limit your interior painting to a monochrome color scheme, switch it up with a brightly colored or patterned wall that can act as a highlight. 

Here are a few ideas for putting an accent wall into your home. If you are stuck, ask your painting contractors for advice on color schemes, paint choices, and more.

Highlighting (or Hiding) Unique Architectural Features

Accent walls do more than add a pop of color. They can work with the architecture of your room to enhance or obscure certain features.

When placing your accent wall, you should choose a wall with a feature that you are hoping to highlight. This could be a fireplace or a gorgeous bookshelf. The accent wall will use the magic of interior painting to draw the eyes of visitors to this feature.

On the other hand, if there is a part of the room that you would like to hide, such as a warped wall, adding an accent color means that people will focus on the hue, not the imperfection.

Separating Rooms

Accent walls can be a useful tool in smaller homes where rooms may blend together. If you do not have a formal separation between two different rooms, such as a living room and a dining area, adding an accent wall creates a visual cue that you are entering a different space.

Accent walls are useful for creating a transition, so you can also try adding a splash of bold paint or design in your hallways.

Color Is Key

After you’ve decided on the placement of your accent wall, you need to choose a color. The accent wall is your place to let your creativity stand out. Choose a bold color to enhance the rest of the room, particularly if you went with neutral shades for the rest of the walls. Look at a color wheel to help you find complementary colors.

However, you do not want your accent wall to clash completely with the rest of your decor. Try to tie the room together by adding details in the same color as your accent wall, such as painting the baseboards or adding throw pillows. If you’re worried, your painting contractors can advise you on a color that won’t clash.

Unique Accent Wall Ideas

Your accent wall does not just have to be monochrome, you can express your creativity even more. Add a subtle pattern such as stripes or leafy vines to draw the eye. Or, play with texture by adding some textured finishes or letting some exposed brick shine through. If you really want to try something new, turn your accent wall into an—accent ceiling.

An accent wall is a great way to show off your creative streak, break up a room into cozier parts, or enhance unique architectural features. Talk to your painters today about how you can spice up your interior design.