Causes of Water Damage to Your House and What to do About it

Water damage to your home is a serious problem, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your house. As with many common problems, there are often some clear causes of water damage that may be quite simple to fix by following a few quick tips.

Here are some common reasons why water can get into your home and what you can do to stop it.

Plumbing Leaks

A leak in your home’s plumbing system can cause water damage on a massive scale and is potentially one of the most serious problems that could happen in your house. If you notice unexplained damp spots or discoloration in your walls, flooring, ceilings, and around any pipes, you should inspect the area closely to see whether they are signs of a larger problem.

If you do find a leak in either your water system or your sewer system, you should call a plumber immediately to get it fixed. Depending on the extent and location of the leak, you may need professional help beyond what your local plumber can offer.


Another cause of water damage in homes is flooding due to either storm surges or overflowing rivers and lakes nearby. If you live in an area that is at risk of severe storms or flooding, you should take steps to prepare for these events. You can also contact your local city authorities to find out whether they have any prevention protocols in places, such as storm drains and storm sewers, which may help reduce the extent of potential damage.

If your house has been damaged by flooding, you should ensure that the area is completely dry before attempting any repairs. You can also speak with your insurance company about whether or not they will cover damages from flooding.

Built-up Moisture

Another common cause of water damage in homes is built-up moisture over a long period of time. If you’ve noticed that your window frames are deteriorating or rotting, this may be because of moisture buildup due to poor ventilation and insulation.

You can also check the storage areas in your home such as your attic and basement for any signs of dampness, mold growth, and damage caused by water. If you find any problems where moisture is building up, you should dry out the area and take steps to improve ventilation and insulation.

Ice Dams

A further cause of water damage in houses is ice dams, which form when snow accumulates on the roof of your house. As the snow melts, it can seep into gaps in your home’s roofing material and cause leaks inside.

You should take steps to avoid this problem by hiring a professional to walk along your roof during heavy snowfall to remove excess accumulation that could create ice dams.

Water damage can be a costly problem that can plague your house for years. With the steps we’ve outlined above, you’ll be able to further prevent and repair any damage caused by water in your house before it becomes a larger problem!