How to Get Your Nursery Ready

Planning for your baby is almost as fun as watching them grow up. Getting your nursery ready for your new arrival is a wonderful way to create a space that is lively and safe for your little one to rest and play in. There are plenty of tasks that must be done when preparing a nursery, and choosing a paint color might be one of the more difficult tasks on the list. The color you choose will determine the way the entire space looks. With so many options, there are several styles you can choose to create the perfect space for your baby.


If you are thinking of going a traditional route, you might be thinking of using blue or pink. This is a classic and timeless choice that you can modernize by going with a unique shade. Remember that each color is on a spectrum. There are so many choices that extend beyond blue or pink. Whether you go slightly lighter or slightly darker, there is a lot you can do.

Green or yellow are gender-neutral colors that are also great options. These colors are very stylish, and they can liven up the nursery by adding a unique touch. In general, you want to stick with lighter or brighter shades because selecting a color that is too dark can make the nursery seem closed off. Keep things open and light.


Many people like to add designs to the walls in addition to painting them. You can achieve this by using an accent wall or even stencils to create cute designs. In addition, there are also paint-safe stickers that you can easily apply for some imaginative fun. These stickers have a nontoxic adhesive that is easily removed for a quick change-up. If the room has molding or trim around the perimeter, this can be a great way to add more depth and detail by using paint.


Of course, your baby’s safety will be a huge concern. As they grow, they will become more curious. This becomes a safety issue if you are using paint that contains toxic chemicals or finishes. There are paints on the market that are nontoxic, just in case your baby decides to rub the walls and put their hands in their mouth or even put their mouth directly on the wall. Your peace of mind as a parent is valuable, so it is a good idea to opt for paint that will not harm your baby. Babies are very sensitive, so even just inhaling paint fumes can prove to be dangerous. Paint the nursery well before the baby’s due date to give the room a chance to air out.

With all of this in mind, you are going to create a wonderful space for your baby to have their first memories! It will be a place to sleep and play while also creating a stimulating environment. Also, it can be a lot of fun for you as a parent to design especially for your child.